Drinking habits or swallowing large amounts of beer or wine appears to remove power. In fact, often heard, alcoholic beverages are used as generating excitement before sex. Many advertisements in various print media advertising of liquor products can give the impression of warm, loving, and sexy.
According to Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld of San Francisco and author of Dr. Hippocrates column in various American newspapers, alcohol is an example of such a drug widely used, but should not be considered simply as a drug. "In larger doses, there was depression and slowing reflexes. Stimulation caused by alcohol actually release the obstacles that exist, "he wrote, as quoted from the book Sexual Nutrition (Sexual Nutirition) written by Dr. Morton Walker.
Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld said, beralkhohol drinking habit causes the liver to produce a large number of enzymes that can destroy testosterone, libido male plant hormones. A study from the university in California showed that most men can not be erection after drinking alcohol three times, each 1-ounce dose. Because alcohol reduces testosterone production, heavy drinking can cause permanent impotence and even infertility in the male tendency.
However, some people with strong personal character can still be an erection while drunk. Sexual research expert, Dr. Sheppard and Dr. CW Gay GR, concluded, by considering the benefit of the doubt in the use of excessive, does not make sense to use a stimulant of materials that contain alcohol.
"Someone who can not react to normal psychosexual stimulation should seek professional help. In general, liquor only disappointment, not on sexual improvement, "Sheppard and Gray writes in his report published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
Still in a report written Shepperd and Gray, said that people who drink alcohol, spirits can rise, but his penis is only up temporarily, his erection was only half hard. The actual impact of alcohol in all its forms, whiskey, wine, and beer, can make the penis flaccid aka sluggish. Getting drunk, getting soft. "
What about women? Some women say, the effects of alcohol can make passion to ride. According to research psychologist Dr. dr GT Wilson and DM Lawson, the women get drunk faster and drunk longer than men. Women absorb alcohol faster and more used to hold the blood than men. As a result, could harm a fetus.
Experiment is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), fetal alcohol syndrome, which made the experts at the University of North Carolina, said, disruption in the fetus can already occur at three weeks of pregnancy, long before the women was aware she was pregnant.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Wrinkling alcohol brain?
According to a recent report in The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, as reported by yahoohealth, alcohol drinking habits were contributing to the shrinkage of the brain, particularly the frontal lobes with age. This region is the center of emotion, planning and other noble behavior and is an area susceptible to damage from alcohol.
To test whether the alcohol effect on their brains are not alcoholics, the researchers measured the volume of the frontal lobe more than 1400 inividu 30s to 60 years with an tenik MRI. The older they almost three times more likely to show shrinkage in parts of the brain than those in the age of 30.
According to Drs. Motoo Kubota from Chiba University in Japan, "a lot of alcohol consumption can increase this brain shrinkage, so that this habit should be avoided." The good news is the alcoholic brain damage is not completely irreversible. Those who stopped to restore the brain volume and increase blood flow. The scientists also found that the frontal lobes are shrunk by less than 8% at the age between 30 and 40 years, nearly 16% at the age of 40, 38% at the age of 50, and this figure reached 61% at the age of 60 .
Heavy drinkers doubled likely have brain shrinkage than those who do not drink alcohol, and small consumption does not seem to affect the brain. For ages 30 to 50, drank a lot of risk reduction will double the volume of the frontal lobe of the brain.
The conclusion of this study is that consumption of small amounts of alcohol to moderate does not have a significant influence on the brain, whereas if the amount will be much more encouraging brain shrinkage in middle-aged population. Estimated, the aging process contribute 30% of brain shrinkage, and alcohol consumption by about 10%
To test whether the alcohol effect on their brains are not alcoholics, the researchers measured the volume of the frontal lobe more than 1400 inividu 30s to 60 years with an tenik MRI. The older they almost three times more likely to show shrinkage in parts of the brain than those in the age of 30.
According to Drs. Motoo Kubota from Chiba University in Japan, "a lot of alcohol consumption can increase this brain shrinkage, so that this habit should be avoided." The good news is the alcoholic brain damage is not completely irreversible. Those who stopped to restore the brain volume and increase blood flow. The scientists also found that the frontal lobes are shrunk by less than 8% at the age between 30 and 40 years, nearly 16% at the age of 40, 38% at the age of 50, and this figure reached 61% at the age of 60 .
Heavy drinkers doubled likely have brain shrinkage than those who do not drink alcohol, and small consumption does not seem to affect the brain. For ages 30 to 50, drank a lot of risk reduction will double the volume of the frontal lobe of the brain.
The conclusion of this study is that consumption of small amounts of alcohol to moderate does not have a significant influence on the brain, whereas if the amount will be much more encouraging brain shrinkage in middle-aged population. Estimated, the aging process contribute 30% of brain shrinkage, and alcohol consumption by about 10%
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Do you still tempted by ALCOHOL ???????????????
PROHIBITIONS for humans to drink wine or alcohol for a very bad result, has been known since ancient. In fact, every religion in the world helped them forbid it among its adherents.
Some countries are aware of the negative impact of alcohol, banned the use of alcohol as alcohol. However, many new products and technologies are more advanced, constantly being created. Liquor entrepreneurs do not mind to pay the liquor tax is charged to most consumers.
Not only drug that makes people just lost to a vicious cycle. One step before a person familiar with drugs, they usually first anesthetized in a trap alcohol. The word alcohol is often used to name organic compounds consisting of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Of all types of alcohol, the best known is methyl alcohol or alcohol derived from grain, and ethyl alcohol liquor that is derived from grapes.
However, there are some benefits of alcohol as its usefulness as a germ killer agents or disinfectant, an antidote for methanol poisoning, or high fever relief. However, it no doubt impression Wordpress harm than drinking alcohol goes beyond kindness. Many studies say that consumed higher amounts of alcohol is safe though, will reduce the efficiency of work. Dr. Irwin H. Neff, head of alcoholic hospital in Norfolk, Massachusetts declared that the people who consume alcohol in a safe tend to be more susceptible to disease than those organs are often drunk. In addition, the general sensitivity of the nerves and muscles of each individual will experience a decrease, the visibility and coordination of the muscles of the eye and arm motor will also decrease.
Main potion of alcoholic beverages is ethanol. Ethanol is a type of chemical that attempts to suppress brain activity, just change the authority of reasonable mind. The use of alcohol for a long period can cause an impression collection of spiritual and physical aspects.
After drinking, alcohol may be absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach. However, the main road alcohol into the blood through the small intestine, and then taken to heart the blood alcohol is then spread throughout the body earlier. As stated, the main effect of alcohol is in the brain. Here, alcohol causes people to experience a crisis themselves and can also have an impact in terms of learning. Apart from the effect on the brain, alcohol affects the body systems and organs. For example, the impact on the circulatory system causes more blood flow to the skin, causing skin drinkers become reddish. heart rate also increases fast and strong like he was doing sports. Alcohol also menyebabkab gastritis. Alcoholics usually frequent urination because ethanol collapsible retaining menggagu urinary hormone.
Dangers of alcohol are also highly visible on chronic alcoholics (alcoholic). The use of alcohol in the long run can lead to complications fizikal, psychological, and social. Aside from ulser stomach, alcohol can also cause cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol drinkers also may have anemia, hypoglycemia (lack of sugar in the blood, and vitamin deficiency). The muscles, skeletal and heart also degenerate in the long-term period.
Nerve damage can cause various types of diseases such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and damage to brain cells, which then lead to psychiatric complications. Drinkers often experience auditory hallucinations, amnesia, paranoia, depression, and suicidal tendencies.
Look at the various crime news on television. Many crimes originated from someone who was under the influence of alcohol. Not only that, alcohol is often associated with traffic accidents. As many as 60 percent when driving deaths using alcohol. Around 30,000 people killed each year due to various types of accidents related to vehicles that destroy the hard bermotor.Minuman self-control is the main cause of the emergence of social disorder, such as an alcohol easily tempted to do bad actions that he can usually avoid. A doctor reported that a thousand cases which he handled, 80 percent related to sexually transmitted disease acquired through sexual contact person when alcohol affected. Alcohol exacerbate diseases caused by sexual intercourse free.
Some countries are aware of the negative impact of alcohol, banned the use of alcohol as alcohol. However, many new products and technologies are more advanced, constantly being created. Liquor entrepreneurs do not mind to pay the liquor tax is charged to most consumers.
Not only drug that makes people just lost to a vicious cycle. One step before a person familiar with drugs, they usually first anesthetized in a trap alcohol. The word alcohol is often used to name organic compounds consisting of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Of all types of alcohol, the best known is methyl alcohol or alcohol derived from grain, and ethyl alcohol liquor that is derived from grapes.
However, there are some benefits of alcohol as its usefulness as a germ killer agents or disinfectant, an antidote for methanol poisoning, or high fever relief. However, it no doubt impression Wordpress harm than drinking alcohol goes beyond kindness. Many studies say that consumed higher amounts of alcohol is safe though, will reduce the efficiency of work. Dr. Irwin H. Neff, head of alcoholic hospital in Norfolk, Massachusetts declared that the people who consume alcohol in a safe tend to be more susceptible to disease than those organs are often drunk. In addition, the general sensitivity of the nerves and muscles of each individual will experience a decrease, the visibility and coordination of the muscles of the eye and arm motor will also decrease.
Main potion of alcoholic beverages is ethanol. Ethanol is a type of chemical that attempts to suppress brain activity, just change the authority of reasonable mind. The use of alcohol for a long period can cause an impression collection of spiritual and physical aspects.
After drinking, alcohol may be absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach. However, the main road alcohol into the blood through the small intestine, and then taken to heart the blood alcohol is then spread throughout the body earlier. As stated, the main effect of alcohol is in the brain. Here, alcohol causes people to experience a crisis themselves and can also have an impact in terms of learning. Apart from the effect on the brain, alcohol affects the body systems and organs. For example, the impact on the circulatory system causes more blood flow to the skin, causing skin drinkers become reddish. heart rate also increases fast and strong like he was doing sports. Alcohol also menyebabkab gastritis. Alcoholics usually frequent urination because ethanol collapsible retaining menggagu urinary hormone.
Dangers of alcohol are also highly visible on chronic alcoholics (alcoholic). The use of alcohol in the long run can lead to complications fizikal, psychological, and social. Aside from ulser stomach, alcohol can also cause cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol drinkers also may have anemia, hypoglycemia (lack of sugar in the blood, and vitamin deficiency). The muscles, skeletal and heart also degenerate in the long-term period.
Nerve damage can cause various types of diseases such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and damage to brain cells, which then lead to psychiatric complications. Drinkers often experience auditory hallucinations, amnesia, paranoia, depression, and suicidal tendencies.
Look at the various crime news on television. Many crimes originated from someone who was under the influence of alcohol. Not only that, alcohol is often associated with traffic accidents. As many as 60 percent when driving deaths using alcohol. Around 30,000 people killed each year due to various types of accidents related to vehicles that destroy the hard bermotor.Minuman self-control is the main cause of the emergence of social disorder, such as an alcohol easily tempted to do bad actions that he can usually avoid. A doctor reported that a thousand cases which he handled, 80 percent related to sexually transmitted disease acquired through sexual contact person when alcohol affected. Alcohol exacerbate diseases caused by sexual intercourse free.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Alcohol and Women
Alcohol and Women
Alcohol Alert From NIAAA
Much of our knowledge of alcoholism has been gathered from studies conducted with a predominance of male subjects. Recent studies involving more female subjects reveal that drinking differs between men and women. Studies in the general population indicate that fewer women than men drink. It is estimated that of the 15.1 million alcohol-abusing or alcohol-dependent individuals in the United States, approximately 4.6 million (nearly one-third) are women (1).
On the whole, women who drink consume less alcohol and have fewer alcohol-related problems and dependence symptoms than men (2,3), yet among the heaviest drinkers, women equal or surpass men in the number of problems that result from their drinking (3).
Drinking behavior differs with the age, life role, and marital status of women. In general, a woman's drinking resembles that of her husband, siblings, or close friends (3). Whereas younger women (aged 18-34) report higher rates of drinking-related problems than do older women (3,4), the incidence of alcohol dependence is greater among middle-aged women (aged 35-49) (5).
Contrary to popular belief, women who have multiple roles (e.g., married women who work outside the home) may have lower rates of alcohol problems than women who do not have multiple roles (6). In fact, role deprivation (e.g., loss of role as wife, mother, or worker) may increase a woman's risk for abusing alcohol (7).
Women who have never married or who are divorced or separated are more likely to drink heavily and experience alcohol-related problems than women who are married or widowed. Unmarried women living with a partner are more likely still to engage in heavy drinking and to develop drinking problems.
Environmental Factors
Heath and colleagues (8) studied drinking behavior among a select sample of female twins to identify possible environmental factors that may modulate drinking behavior. They reported that, among women, marital status appears to modify the effects of genetic factors that influence drinking habits. Marriage or a marriage-like relationship lessens the effect of an inherited liability for drinking.
Several researchers have explored whether drinking patterns and alcohol-related problems vary among women of different racial or ethnic groups. Black women (46 percent) are more likely to abstain from alcohol than white women (34 percent) (9,10). Further, although it is commonly assumed that a larger proportion of black women drink heavily, researchers have disproved this assumption:
Equal proportions of black and white women drink heavily (3,9). Black women report fewer alcohol-related personal and social problems than white women, yet a greater proportion of black women experience alcohol-related health problems (11).
Data from self-report surveys suggest that Hispanic women are infrequent drinkers or abstainers (12,13), but this may change as they enter new social and work arenas. Gilbert (14) found that reports of abstention are greater among Hispanic women who have immigrated to the United States; reports of moderate or heavy drinking are greater among younger, American-born Hispanic women.
Greater Physiological Impairment
The interval between onset of drinking-related problems and entry into treatment appears to be shorter for women than for men (15,16). Moreover, studies of women alcoholics in treatment suggest that they often experience greater physiological impairment earlier in their drinking careers, despite having consumed less alcohol than men (17,18). These findings suggest that the development of consequences associated with heavy drinking may be accelerated or "telescoped" in women.
In addition to these many psych osocial and epidemiological differences, the sexes also experience different physiological effects of alcohol. Women become intoxicated after drinking smaller quantities of alcohol than are needed to produce intoxication in men (19). Three possible mechanisms may explain this response.
First, women have lower total body water content than men of comparable size. After alcohol is consumed, it diffuses uniformly into all body water, both inside and outside cells. Because of their smaller quantity of body water, women achieve higher concentrations of alcohol in their blood than men after drinking equivalent amounts of alcohol. More simply, blood alcohol concentration in women may be likened to the result of dropping the same quantity of alcohol into a smaller pail of water.
Second, diminished activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (the primary enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol) in the stomach also may contribute to the gender-related differences in blood alcohol concentrations and a woman's heightened vulnerability to the physiological consequences of drinking. Julkunen and colleagues (20) demonstrated in rats that a substantial amount of alcohol is metabolized by gastric alcohol dehydrogenase in the stomach before it enters the systemic circulation.
Chronic Alcohol Abuse
This "first-pass metabolism" of alcohol decreases the availability of alcohol to the system. Frezza and colleagues (21) reported that, because of diminished activity of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, first-pass metabolism was decreased in women compared with men and was virtually nonexistent in alcoholic women.
Third, fluctuations in gonadal hormone levels during the menstrual cycle may affect the rate of alcohol metabolism, making a woman more susceptible to elevated blood alcohol concentrations at different points in the cycle. Research findings to date, however, have been inconsistent (22,23,24).
Chronic alcohol abuse exacts a greater physical toll on women than on men. Female alcoholics have death rates 50 to 100 percent higher than those of male alcoholics. Further, a greater percentage of female alcoholics die from suicides, alcohol-related accidents, circulatory disorders, and cirrhosis of the liver (25).
Increasing evidence suggests that the detrimental effects of alcohol on the liver are more severe for women than for men. Women develop alcoholic liver disease, particularly alcoholic cirrhosis and hepatitis, after a comparatively shorter period of heavy drinking and at a lower level of daily drinking than men (26,27). Proportionately more alcoholic women die from cirrhosis than do alcoholic men (28).
Heightened Vulnerability
The exact mechanisms that underlie women's heightened vulnerability to alcohol-induced liver damage are unclear. Differences in body weight and fluid content between men and women may be contributing factors (29). In addition, Johnson and Williams (30) suggested that the combined effect of estrogens and alcohol may augment liver damage. Finally, alcoholic women may be more susceptible to liver damage because of the diminished activity of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase in first-pass metabolism (21).
Drinking also may be associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. After reviewing epidemiological data on alcohol consumption and the incidence of breast cancer, Longnecker and colleagues (31) reported that risk increases when a woman consumes 1 ounce or more of absolute alcohol daily. Increased risk appears to be related directly to the effects of alcohol (32).
Moreover, risk for breast cancer and lower levels of alcohol consumption are weakly associated. Data from other studies (33), however, do not concur with these findings, suggesting that more research is needed to explore the relationship between drinking and breast cancer.
Menstrual disorders (e.g., painful menstruation, heavy flow, premenstrual discomfort, and irregular or absent cycles) have been associated with chronic heavy drinking (34,35). These disorders can have adverse effects on fertility (36). Further, continued drinking may lead to early menopause (37,38).
Barriers to Treatment
Animal studies have provided data that replicate the findings of studies in humans to determine the effects of chronic alcohol consumption on female reproductive function. Studies in rodents and monkeys demonstrated that prolonged alcohol exposure disrupts estrus regularity and increases the incidence of ovulatory failure (39,40,41).
Researchers have begun to examine whether women and men require distinct treatment approaches. It has been suggested that women alcoholics may encounter different conditions that facilitate or discourage their entry into treatment.
Women represent 25.4 percent of alcoholism clients in traditional treatment centers in the United States (42). Although it appears that they comprise a small proportion of the treatment population (25 percent women compared with 75 percent men), the proportion of female alcoholics to male alcoholics in treatment is similar to the proportion of all female alcoholics to male alcoholics (30 percent women to 70 percent men).
In addition, women drinkers pursue avenues other than traditional alcoholism programs, such as psychiatric services or personal physicians, for treatment (43).
Treatment Outcomes
Women alcoholics may encounter motivators and barriers to seeking treatment that differ from those encountered by men. Women are more likely to seek treatment because of family problems (44), and they often are encouraged by parents or children to pursue therapy. Men usually are encouraged to pursue therapy by their wives.
Fewer women than men reach treatment through the criminal justice system or through employee assistance programs (45). Lack of child care is one of the most frequently reported barriers to treatment for alcoholic women (46).
Sokolow and colleagues (47) attempted to compare treatment outcome between men and women and reported that, among those who completed treatment, abstinence was slightly higher among women than among men. Women had a higher abstinence rate if treated in a medically oriented alcoholism facility, whereas the abstinence rate was higher for men treated in a peer group-oriented facility.
Treatment outcome was better for women treated in a facility with a smaller proportion of female clients and better for men in a facility with a larger proportion of female clients. This study provided preliminary data on gender-specific treatment outcome; however, the trials were not controlled. Although the question of whether women should have separate treatment opportunities is an important one, the supporting evidence still has not been found.
Alcohol Alert From NIAAA
Much of our knowledge of alcoholism has been gathered from studies conducted with a predominance of male subjects. Recent studies involving more female subjects reveal that drinking differs between men and women. Studies in the general population indicate that fewer women than men drink. It is estimated that of the 15.1 million alcohol-abusing or alcohol-dependent individuals in the United States, approximately 4.6 million (nearly one-third) are women (1).
On the whole, women who drink consume less alcohol and have fewer alcohol-related problems and dependence symptoms than men (2,3), yet among the heaviest drinkers, women equal or surpass men in the number of problems that result from their drinking (3).
Drinking behavior differs with the age, life role, and marital status of women. In general, a woman's drinking resembles that of her husband, siblings, or close friends (3). Whereas younger women (aged 18-34) report higher rates of drinking-related problems than do older women (3,4), the incidence of alcohol dependence is greater among middle-aged women (aged 35-49) (5).
Contrary to popular belief, women who have multiple roles (e.g., married women who work outside the home) may have lower rates of alcohol problems than women who do not have multiple roles (6). In fact, role deprivation (e.g., loss of role as wife, mother, or worker) may increase a woman's risk for abusing alcohol (7).
Women who have never married or who are divorced or separated are more likely to drink heavily and experience alcohol-related problems than women who are married or widowed. Unmarried women living with a partner are more likely still to engage in heavy drinking and to develop drinking problems.
Environmental Factors
Heath and colleagues (8) studied drinking behavior among a select sample of female twins to identify possible environmental factors that may modulate drinking behavior. They reported that, among women, marital status appears to modify the effects of genetic factors that influence drinking habits. Marriage or a marriage-like relationship lessens the effect of an inherited liability for drinking.
Several researchers have explored whether drinking patterns and alcohol-related problems vary among women of different racial or ethnic groups. Black women (46 percent) are more likely to abstain from alcohol than white women (34 percent) (9,10). Further, although it is commonly assumed that a larger proportion of black women drink heavily, researchers have disproved this assumption:
Equal proportions of black and white women drink heavily (3,9). Black women report fewer alcohol-related personal and social problems than white women, yet a greater proportion of black women experience alcohol-related health problems (11).
Data from self-report surveys suggest that Hispanic women are infrequent drinkers or abstainers (12,13), but this may change as they enter new social and work arenas. Gilbert (14) found that reports of abstention are greater among Hispanic women who have immigrated to the United States; reports of moderate or heavy drinking are greater among younger, American-born Hispanic women.
Greater Physiological Impairment
The interval between onset of drinking-related problems and entry into treatment appears to be shorter for women than for men (15,16). Moreover, studies of women alcoholics in treatment suggest that they often experience greater physiological impairment earlier in their drinking careers, despite having consumed less alcohol than men (17,18). These findings suggest that the development of consequences associated with heavy drinking may be accelerated or "telescoped" in women.
In addition to these many psych osocial and epidemiological differences, the sexes also experience different physiological effects of alcohol. Women become intoxicated after drinking smaller quantities of alcohol than are needed to produce intoxication in men (19). Three possible mechanisms may explain this response.
First, women have lower total body water content than men of comparable size. After alcohol is consumed, it diffuses uniformly into all body water, both inside and outside cells. Because of their smaller quantity of body water, women achieve higher concentrations of alcohol in their blood than men after drinking equivalent amounts of alcohol. More simply, blood alcohol concentration in women may be likened to the result of dropping the same quantity of alcohol into a smaller pail of water.
Second, diminished activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (the primary enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol) in the stomach also may contribute to the gender-related differences in blood alcohol concentrations and a woman's heightened vulnerability to the physiological consequences of drinking. Julkunen and colleagues (20) demonstrated in rats that a substantial amount of alcohol is metabolized by gastric alcohol dehydrogenase in the stomach before it enters the systemic circulation.
Chronic Alcohol Abuse
This "first-pass metabolism" of alcohol decreases the availability of alcohol to the system. Frezza and colleagues (21) reported that, because of diminished activity of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, first-pass metabolism was decreased in women compared with men and was virtually nonexistent in alcoholic women.
Third, fluctuations in gonadal hormone levels during the menstrual cycle may affect the rate of alcohol metabolism, making a woman more susceptible to elevated blood alcohol concentrations at different points in the cycle. Research findings to date, however, have been inconsistent (22,23,24).
Chronic alcohol abuse exacts a greater physical toll on women than on men. Female alcoholics have death rates 50 to 100 percent higher than those of male alcoholics. Further, a greater percentage of female alcoholics die from suicides, alcohol-related accidents, circulatory disorders, and cirrhosis of the liver (25).
Increasing evidence suggests that the detrimental effects of alcohol on the liver are more severe for women than for men. Women develop alcoholic liver disease, particularly alcoholic cirrhosis and hepatitis, after a comparatively shorter period of heavy drinking and at a lower level of daily drinking than men (26,27). Proportionately more alcoholic women die from cirrhosis than do alcoholic men (28).
Heightened Vulnerability
The exact mechanisms that underlie women's heightened vulnerability to alcohol-induced liver damage are unclear. Differences in body weight and fluid content between men and women may be contributing factors (29). In addition, Johnson and Williams (30) suggested that the combined effect of estrogens and alcohol may augment liver damage. Finally, alcoholic women may be more susceptible to liver damage because of the diminished activity of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase in first-pass metabolism (21).
Drinking also may be associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. After reviewing epidemiological data on alcohol consumption and the incidence of breast cancer, Longnecker and colleagues (31) reported that risk increases when a woman consumes 1 ounce or more of absolute alcohol daily. Increased risk appears to be related directly to the effects of alcohol (32).
Moreover, risk for breast cancer and lower levels of alcohol consumption are weakly associated. Data from other studies (33), however, do not concur with these findings, suggesting that more research is needed to explore the relationship between drinking and breast cancer.
Menstrual disorders (e.g., painful menstruation, heavy flow, premenstrual discomfort, and irregular or absent cycles) have been associated with chronic heavy drinking (34,35). These disorders can have adverse effects on fertility (36). Further, continued drinking may lead to early menopause (37,38).
Barriers to Treatment
Animal studies have provided data that replicate the findings of studies in humans to determine the effects of chronic alcohol consumption on female reproductive function. Studies in rodents and monkeys demonstrated that prolonged alcohol exposure disrupts estrus regularity and increases the incidence of ovulatory failure (39,40,41).
Researchers have begun to examine whether women and men require distinct treatment approaches. It has been suggested that women alcoholics may encounter different conditions that facilitate or discourage their entry into treatment.
Women represent 25.4 percent of alcoholism clients in traditional treatment centers in the United States (42). Although it appears that they comprise a small proportion of the treatment population (25 percent women compared with 75 percent men), the proportion of female alcoholics to male alcoholics in treatment is similar to the proportion of all female alcoholics to male alcoholics (30 percent women to 70 percent men).
In addition, women drinkers pursue avenues other than traditional alcoholism programs, such as psychiatric services or personal physicians, for treatment (43).
Treatment Outcomes
Women alcoholics may encounter motivators and barriers to seeking treatment that differ from those encountered by men. Women are more likely to seek treatment because of family problems (44), and they often are encouraged by parents or children to pursue therapy. Men usually are encouraged to pursue therapy by their wives.
Fewer women than men reach treatment through the criminal justice system or through employee assistance programs (45). Lack of child care is one of the most frequently reported barriers to treatment for alcoholic women (46).
Sokolow and colleagues (47) attempted to compare treatment outcome between men and women and reported that, among those who completed treatment, abstinence was slightly higher among women than among men. Women had a higher abstinence rate if treated in a medically oriented alcoholism facility, whereas the abstinence rate was higher for men treated in a peer group-oriented facility.
Treatment outcome was better for women treated in a facility with a smaller proportion of female clients and better for men in a facility with a larger proportion of female clients. This study provided preliminary data on gender-specific treatment outcome; however, the trials were not controlled. Although the question of whether women should have separate treatment opportunities is an important one, the supporting evidence still has not been found.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Babies suffering because of alcohol

More than 50% of German women drink alcohol during their pregnancy. As a result, each year more than 10,000 babies suffering from birth defects due to the mother liquor consumption
Sabine says Bätzing, German government officials who deal with drug problems. Of that amount, about 4,000 babies suffering from disorders with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). This congenital disease severe impact on the mental, physical and psychiatric sufferer.
Based on the research Charité Clinic in Berlin, Germany 58% of women questioned said they enjoy their drink while pregnant. This is dangerous, given any minimum level of drinking alcohol pregnant women can damage the unborn baby.
"There is no safe lower limit for alcohol consumption during pregnancy," he said in a warning Bätzing "alkoholgeschädigten Tag des Kindes" (day of disabled children from alcoholic beverages).
Bätzing emphasized the need to stop completely drinking during pregnancy because the fetus does not have sufficient ability in describing alcohol. According to him, due to syndrome of alcoholic beverages consumed by the mother is the type most common defects suffered by newborns. This figure is twice as much than Down syndrome.
Approximately 80% of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have experienced a lifetime treatment and can not live independently
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
4% of World Citizens Died Due to Alcohol
Alcohol is considered as the cause of death of four percent of the world. A study conducted Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) expressing one of 25 people died of consuming alcohol.
According to CAMH spokesperson, Dr. Jurgen Rehm, consumption of alcoholic beverages in some parts of the world is increasing. Countries that experienced an increase in alcohol consumption among them, China and India.
In Europe, continued Rehm, Alcohol and even caused one of 10 people died.
"Today, we know much more effective strategies to control alcohol consumption in the world," Rehm said, as quoted from the Times of India, on Monday (29/6/2009).
Alcohol is associated with organ disorders. Most health problems experienced by men, the group who ate the most alcohol.
According to Rehm, most people who consume alcoholic beverages will be easily attacked by diseases such as heart or cancer.
"Overall, the effect of alcohol as a cause of death is not far different from cigarettes in the year 2000 was the cause of death in developing countries," said Rehm
According to CAMH spokesperson, Dr. Jurgen Rehm, consumption of alcoholic beverages in some parts of the world is increasing. Countries that experienced an increase in alcohol consumption among them, China and India.
In Europe, continued Rehm, Alcohol and even caused one of 10 people died.
"Today, we know much more effective strategies to control alcohol consumption in the world," Rehm said, as quoted from the Times of India, on Monday (29/6/2009).
Alcohol is associated with organ disorders. Most health problems experienced by men, the group who ate the most alcohol.
According to Rehm, most people who consume alcoholic beverages will be easily attacked by diseases such as heart or cancer.
"Overall, the effect of alcohol as a cause of death is not far different from cigarettes in the year 2000 was the cause of death in developing countries," said Rehm
For Fetal Alcohol Danger

The gestation period is a vulnerable period. It has become common warning pregnant women are forbidden to drink alcohol.
The ban on alcohol is set in stone, no tolerance limits. Because, if the candidate desperate mother, the fetus in the womb who will bear the danger.
Alcohol danger to the fetus can result in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which can cause miscarriage, premature delivery, infant birth complications, low birth weigh babies, babies born with small heads (mikrosefali), mental retardation, disorders of the heart and other organs, physical disturbance and behaviors that will affect the growth of children throughout his life.
In addition to consuming alcohol is forbidden in the form of liquor or wine, the prospective mother should also be wary of alcohol content in drugs. Generally, medications containing alcohol content of about 5%. If taken for several consecutive days, fear alcohol will accumulate in the body. To be safe, try to consult with your doctor to find out what drugs safe to eat during pregnancy.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Milk Fermentation Alcohol Containing Some
Currently fermented milk is gaining popularity among the people. Various trademarks appearing much, both coming from abroad and domestic. One of the fermented milk is already well known by many people is the yogurt. This product has even started to be produced by small entrepreneurs with the means and equipment that is simple enough.
Fermented milk does have some advantages and benefits are good for the body. With the fermentation process will produce different types of bekhasiat lactic acid for the body. Also contained lactose in milk has been broken down into simpler compounds, so for those who are not able to digest lactose (lactose intolerance) were still able to enjoy the milk. As we all know that certain people because of abnormalities in food perncernaan system can not digest lactose milk. So that these patients will experience diarrhea if digest milk.
Fermented milk made by adding a starter of some types of bacteria that can produce lactic acid. Therefore, these bacteria are usually classified into lactic acid bacteria. This type of bacteria that will determine the nature and karekter fermented milk they produce. For example certain bacteria to produce lactic acid, while other bacteria produce a certain flavor, and some that produce alcohol.
Many Fatwas
Fermented milk drink actually has developed since ancient times. With advances in the field of fermentation technology, this product continues to grow in accordance with the wishes and tastes who also continue to increase. Changes in the nature of fermented milk can be done by modifying the type and amount of bacteria added as starter. Because types of bacteria in nature very much, then fermented milk was developed and a lot of variety.
Actually at first fermented milk do not contain alcohol. The added bacteria produce only lactic acid and other acids which have distinctive taste and aroma. These types are usually referred to as yogurt. Bacteria are added to the yogurt-making is Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Both bacteria are synergistically describing milk proteins and lactose to the amino acid, formic acid and lactic acid that produces a special taste and aroma. Besides nutrition component decomposition is also able to improve the nutritional value of milk, because it is more easily digested and absorbed by the body.
Along with the human desire to continue to grow, eventually they try and develop bacteria other to produce different flavors, too. From there it eventually found that fermented milk containing alcohol, resulting in a more desirable taste, although it is not lawful.
Some fermented milk containing alcohol include kefir and koumiss. Kefir is a fermented milk containing alcohol 0.5% - 1%. The bacteria that causes the formation of alcohol is Sacharomycfes kefir and Torula kefir. In koumiss, instead of alcohol content higher. This product contains alcohol at 1% - 2.5%. Microbes are added and the alcohol is causing Torulla colmic.
Products in the Market
And what a lot of fermented milk on the market? To be able to determine the presence or absence of alcohol in the fermented milk is not easy. Moreover, it implies quite small, between 1% to 1.5%. In the presence of sensory levels of alcohol in such difficult to detect. Inside there are also lactic acid and other acids that produce the scent. The presence of these acids joined scent cover smell of alcohol that may exist.
Fermented milk does have some advantages and benefits are good for the body. With the fermentation process will produce different types of bekhasiat lactic acid for the body. Also contained lactose in milk has been broken down into simpler compounds, so for those who are not able to digest lactose (lactose intolerance) were still able to enjoy the milk. As we all know that certain people because of abnormalities in food perncernaan system can not digest lactose milk. So that these patients will experience diarrhea if digest milk.
Fermented milk made by adding a starter of some types of bacteria that can produce lactic acid. Therefore, these bacteria are usually classified into lactic acid bacteria. This type of bacteria that will determine the nature and karekter fermented milk they produce. For example certain bacteria to produce lactic acid, while other bacteria produce a certain flavor, and some that produce alcohol.
Many Fatwas
Fermented milk drink actually has developed since ancient times. With advances in the field of fermentation technology, this product continues to grow in accordance with the wishes and tastes who also continue to increase. Changes in the nature of fermented milk can be done by modifying the type and amount of bacteria added as starter. Because types of bacteria in nature very much, then fermented milk was developed and a lot of variety.
Actually at first fermented milk do not contain alcohol. The added bacteria produce only lactic acid and other acids which have distinctive taste and aroma. These types are usually referred to as yogurt. Bacteria are added to the yogurt-making is Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Both bacteria are synergistically describing milk proteins and lactose to the amino acid, formic acid and lactic acid that produces a special taste and aroma. Besides nutrition component decomposition is also able to improve the nutritional value of milk, because it is more easily digested and absorbed by the body.
Along with the human desire to continue to grow, eventually they try and develop bacteria other to produce different flavors, too. From there it eventually found that fermented milk containing alcohol, resulting in a more desirable taste, although it is not lawful.
Some fermented milk containing alcohol include kefir and koumiss. Kefir is a fermented milk containing alcohol 0.5% - 1%. The bacteria that causes the formation of alcohol is Sacharomycfes kefir and Torula kefir. In koumiss, instead of alcohol content higher. This product contains alcohol at 1% - 2.5%. Microbes are added and the alcohol is causing Torulla colmic.
Products in the Market
And what a lot of fermented milk on the market? To be able to determine the presence or absence of alcohol in the fermented milk is not easy. Moreover, it implies quite small, between 1% to 1.5%. In the presence of sensory levels of alcohol in such difficult to detect. Inside there are also lactic acid and other acids that produce the scent. The presence of these acids joined scent cover smell of alcohol that may exist.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Alcohol.....STOP !!!!
The doctors in the UK urging comprehensive ban alcohol advertising to overcome the increasing consumption of alcohol and the resulting problems.
British Medical Association report, BMA
, Says that alcohol is now the leading cause of death and disability in developed countries after tobacco and high blood pressure.
Alcohol is the most popular drug in the UK. Consumption rose sharply. Because facing the increasing bad effects of alcohol on health, British Medical Association wants strict enforcement.
Alcohol industry annually spend 1.3 billion dollars to increase consumption. BMA wants a comprehensive ban on alcohol advertising, the sponsorship of sporting events and music events.
The agency also proposed the implementation of a minimum price of all alcohol products and alcohol taxes above the inflation rate. BMA report says, not only young people who drink in the UK is not responsible.
BMA says, excessive alcohol consumption has become a habit now. The association blamed the discounted price, easy to get because the license to operate 24 hours, and mass advertising using social networking sites in addition to the ways commonly used for this.
This report is likely to trigger a debate, just as when applied to cigarette advertising restrictions. BMA states, alcohol beverage companies is currently the second largest source of sports sponsorship through a contract worth millions of U.S. dollars.
British Medical Association report, BMA
, Says that alcohol is now the leading cause of death and disability in developed countries after tobacco and high blood pressure.
Alcohol is the most popular drug in the UK. Consumption rose sharply. Because facing the increasing bad effects of alcohol on health, British Medical Association wants strict enforcement.
Alcohol industry annually spend 1.3 billion dollars to increase consumption. BMA wants a comprehensive ban on alcohol advertising, the sponsorship of sporting events and music events.
The agency also proposed the implementation of a minimum price of all alcohol products and alcohol taxes above the inflation rate. BMA report says, not only young people who drink in the UK is not responsible.
BMA says, excessive alcohol consumption has become a habit now. The association blamed the discounted price, easy to get because the license to operate 24 hours, and mass advertising using social networking sites in addition to the ways commonly used for this.
This report is likely to trigger a debate, just as when applied to cigarette advertising restrictions. BMA states, alcohol beverage companies is currently the second largest source of sports sponsorship through a contract worth millions of U.S. dollars.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Signs of addiction to alcohol
Typical signs of alcoholism
There are some typical signs of alcohol dependence. Physical symptoms: gastritis or peptic ulcers, liver disease and jaundice, vomiting of blood, pain or tremor in the morning, broke up alcohol as a reaction convulsions, sweating and confused. Feeling: feeling helpless and out of control, feeling guilty about his drinking. Mind: a strong desire to drink alcohol, the thought constantly about how to get a drink later, the desire to commit suicide. Behavior: difficulty sleeping, drinking in the day, want to drink in the morning to relieve uncomfortable feelings.
The reaction broke up when someone alcohol alcoholic suddenly stops drinking. Usually begins 24 hours after stopping drinking and continued for 4 to 10 days. The worst period is usually in the early days, the second and third. The more alcohol, so bad symptoms that arise such as tremors, shaking, insomnia, nausea, anxiety, irritability, fever, and nervous. As symptoms worsen the patient will be more confused or what is known as delirium, hallucinations, and may experience seizures.
Dependence treatment can be given in public health service centers like clinic. Health center can do education regarding the relationship between the symptoms of the reaction of alcohols break; perform a thorough physical examination, refer to hospital if there is fever, convulsions, not able to drink, dehydration, or having a physical disorder, hallucinations or confusion (delirium). In addition, prescribe the kind of vitamin thiamine as much as 100 mg by intra-muscular injection and thiamine tablets prescribed for supplies for a week at a dose of 50 mg per day. Patients will also be given multivitamins and folic acid with doses of 1 mg per day. Community Health Center can prescribe klordiazeposid for supplies for four to six days and should be taken on the first day of 25 mg 4 times a day, second day 25 mg 2 times a day, third day 25 mg 2 times a day, day of the fourth and fifth 25 mg at night, day The sixth and seventh night 12.5 mg. Or can be prescribed diazepam by drinking the same rules, starting from the dose of 4 mg 4 times daily.
If someone, for example, Tn. M had decided to control his drinking, there are a few tips from caregivers who can be recommended to control the number of ordinary beverages drunk per day.
Note how many Tn. M drink. Give it two or three days a week Tn. M did not drink at all. Replace alcoholic beverages with alcoholic beverages are not. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, but first mixed with water or soda, so one glass of longer spent. Pour a little alcohol into each drink (eg drink only 1 cup). Do not drink during the day. Spend any longer drinks, for example, within 1 hour. Eat before he drank the first glass. Suggest to not drink alcohol to relieve thirst, drink water or drink no alcohol. Reduce the time spent together drinking friends.
At the time - while difficult to remain calm. Recommend following a few strategies to Tn. M able to overcome the difficulty. If you drink mainly at night, get busy and go to places where he can not drink, like the religious meeting, mosque, or church. If the habit of drinking besama friends after work, try to make other social activities such as sports. When drinking alcohol when he was alone, reduce the time to be alone. If you drink only when you experience stress, learn ways to cope with stress and problem-solving methods from the finish through alcohol.
There are some typical signs of alcohol dependence. Physical symptoms: gastritis or peptic ulcers, liver disease and jaundice, vomiting of blood, pain or tremor in the morning, broke up alcohol as a reaction convulsions, sweating and confused. Feeling: feeling helpless and out of control, feeling guilty about his drinking. Mind: a strong desire to drink alcohol, the thought constantly about how to get a drink later, the desire to commit suicide. Behavior: difficulty sleeping, drinking in the day, want to drink in the morning to relieve uncomfortable feelings.
The reaction broke up when someone alcohol alcoholic suddenly stops drinking. Usually begins 24 hours after stopping drinking and continued for 4 to 10 days. The worst period is usually in the early days, the second and third. The more alcohol, so bad symptoms that arise such as tremors, shaking, insomnia, nausea, anxiety, irritability, fever, and nervous. As symptoms worsen the patient will be more confused or what is known as delirium, hallucinations, and may experience seizures.
Dependence treatment can be given in public health service centers like clinic. Health center can do education regarding the relationship between the symptoms of the reaction of alcohols break; perform a thorough physical examination, refer to hospital if there is fever, convulsions, not able to drink, dehydration, or having a physical disorder, hallucinations or confusion (delirium). In addition, prescribe the kind of vitamin thiamine as much as 100 mg by intra-muscular injection and thiamine tablets prescribed for supplies for a week at a dose of 50 mg per day. Patients will also be given multivitamins and folic acid with doses of 1 mg per day. Community Health Center can prescribe klordiazeposid for supplies for four to six days and should be taken on the first day of 25 mg 4 times a day, second day 25 mg 2 times a day, third day 25 mg 2 times a day, day of the fourth and fifth 25 mg at night, day The sixth and seventh night 12.5 mg. Or can be prescribed diazepam by drinking the same rules, starting from the dose of 4 mg 4 times daily.
If someone, for example, Tn. M had decided to control his drinking, there are a few tips from caregivers who can be recommended to control the number of ordinary beverages drunk per day.
Note how many Tn. M drink. Give it two or three days a week Tn. M did not drink at all. Replace alcoholic beverages with alcoholic beverages are not. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, but first mixed with water or soda, so one glass of longer spent. Pour a little alcohol into each drink (eg drink only 1 cup). Do not drink during the day. Spend any longer drinks, for example, within 1 hour. Eat before he drank the first glass. Suggest to not drink alcohol to relieve thirst, drink water or drink no alcohol. Reduce the time spent together drinking friends.
At the time - while difficult to remain calm. Recommend following a few strategies to Tn. M able to overcome the difficulty. If you drink mainly at night, get busy and go to places where he can not drink, like the religious meeting, mosque, or church. If the habit of drinking besama friends after work, try to make other social activities such as sports. When drinking alcohol when he was alone, reduce the time to be alone. If you drink only when you experience stress, learn ways to cope with stress and problem-solving methods from the finish through alcohol.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Alcohol Dependence
Drink alcoholic beverages in many countries around the world. Several internationally drunk like beer and wishkey.In some places, alcohol and dioplos cooked at home.
Someone said to have alcohol dependence when its use was a danger to him, both physically, mentally or socially. Basically very difficult for someone to stop using alcohol, because these substances cause physical comfort and a great desire to consume substances that again (broken syndrome substances).
Dependency problem causing great damage to patients, families, and especially to the community. Alcohol drinkers not only harm the physical effects, tertapi associated with suicide rates are high, marital problems and domestic violence, traffic accidents and increased poverty.
How does the emergence of alcohol dependence? Almost all people who drink alcohol do it for fun with friends, and the desire to drink becomes more and more and finally drinking alone, even he had to drink every day up in the morning. Teenagers drinking alcohol is generally to look great. At first try and stop, but some started drinking regularly. Whereas in adulthood the main reason for starting to drink alcohol to cope with stress or related to the type of work.
Many people who have drinking habits did not seek medical help before the condition becomes very bad health. Even if they do, his drinking was not detected and not treated. Generally, those who came to alcohol dependence health facilities with symptoms of accidents and injuries that are not clear, burning sensation in the stomach and vomiting of blood, there are problems in family relationships and friends, recurrent disease and did not work, depression, and anxiety, insomnia or sexual problems.
Someone said to have alcohol dependence when its use was a danger to him, both physically, mentally or socially. Basically very difficult for someone to stop using alcohol, because these substances cause physical comfort and a great desire to consume substances that again (broken syndrome substances).
Dependency problem causing great damage to patients, families, and especially to the community. Alcohol drinkers not only harm the physical effects, tertapi associated with suicide rates are high, marital problems and domestic violence, traffic accidents and increased poverty.
How does the emergence of alcohol dependence? Almost all people who drink alcohol do it for fun with friends, and the desire to drink becomes more and more and finally drinking alone, even he had to drink every day up in the morning. Teenagers drinking alcohol is generally to look great. At first try and stop, but some started drinking regularly. Whereas in adulthood the main reason for starting to drink alcohol to cope with stress or related to the type of work.
Many people who have drinking habits did not seek medical help before the condition becomes very bad health. Even if they do, his drinking was not detected and not treated. Generally, those who came to alcohol dependence health facilities with symptoms of accidents and injuries that are not clear, burning sensation in the stomach and vomiting of blood, there are problems in family relationships and friends, recurrent disease and did not work, depression, and anxiety, insomnia or sexual problems.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Some problems Liquor Addiction
Liquor has become the world's problems. Whether in Africa, Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia, Australia or wherever people live, even among the tribes of primitive peoples in remote islands were addicted to alcohol has become one of life's questions are major. Addicted to drinking destroys family life, work, damaging the body, and become the primary cause of all sorts of crimes. Few places on earth, which is free from this destructive influence.
In fact, almost anyone can become dependent (dependent) to drugs, especially alcohol. Addiction usually occurs if the person used constantly drinking in high doses. But why there are millions of human beings who drink alcohol in social events but did not become addicted, while others are approximately 10% of all drinkers caught an addict? Hundreds of experts have tried to answer that question. It's no easy answer, although we can conclude, that there are several causes that can lead to bad habits such.
1. Feeling depressed
Many people are tempted to drink alcohol when experiencing severe life stress. At first the alcohol was helping drinkers to forget the problems of life, giving a sense of calm and comfort. But what at first was just a helper in the meantime then used continuously, each time feeling depressed, anxious, sad, and so on, until they become addicted.
2. Culture and background
Families and communities in which a person was raised can affect the attitudes of people in the alcoholics. If parents are alcoholics, then the children tend to become alcoholic liquor in his adult life. When drinking becomes a social event in the culture, and if the problem of getting drunk just a joke material, drinkers had no reason at all to avoid and control its use.
3. Personality
Alcoholics are usually the people who are always restless, with emotions that are not mature, and could not cope with frustration. Usually they are hard to accept the authority of others, tend to perfeksionistik, and always felt alienated in the community environment. Self-esteem problems often stand out where they tend to have feelings of inferiority, although often attempted lagaknya covered by demonstrating self-confidence excessive. Although these symptoms appear after they became alcoholic, actually any of these symptoms to be the cause of the tendency to become alcoholic.
4. Physical talent
Is it true, that there are people that his condition was too sensitive to alcohol? It is possible that despite the fact that no physical condition that causes a person to be a drinker. If someone used to drinking, its body becomes accustomed to alcohol stimuli such. To achieve a sense of satisfaction are often dose of liquor should be added, until one day the body becomes so dependent on alcohol so that she can give a pleasant feeling reactions. Then, the drinker becomes physically addicted or chemically, so it's difficult to be changed again.
5. Spiritual state
The Bible gives witness to the many problems associated with drunkenness. Of course we remember what happened with Noah. He is a righteous man, who always walked the path of God (Genesis 6:9). His life was absolutely dedicated to God, that he was obedient to His command to build an ark in the middle of the dry plains despite constantly teased by his friends. The Bible clearly says that Noah diperkenan God (Genesis 6:8), and according to everything that is commanded of God (Genesis 6:22). But the Bible also witnessed, that Noah drank too much wine and then a miserable experience and shameful because he was drunk (Genesis 9:20-24).
One of the main causes of the abuse of drugs and alcohol is a spiritual state that is not healthy, and this spiritual vacuum is the common symptoms found in humans today. Learning from the experience of Noah, it is clear that the believer can fall in the weak and strong drink gin. It seems that is not what happens if Paul calls drunkenness as a contrast to life in the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) where he wrote "Do not get drunk with wine which can lead to dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."
6. Family circumstances
At the time a family member caught by liquor, the whole family became victims. At first, the family tried to ignore or forget the matter. Then they tried to prevent by getting rid of liquor from the household or to reprimand the drinker. Often the family tried to cover up the matter with the hope to stop by itself.
Though it rarely can occur. Drinkers made many promises to not drink anymore, but if he was addicted, the problem becomes so difficult to stop it, the louder the family attitudes, tensions arise in the house, and usually these drinkers crave even more booze. Thus, the goal being a good family is usually just reinforce the desire to continue drinking alcoholic.
In fact, almost anyone can become dependent (dependent) to drugs, especially alcohol. Addiction usually occurs if the person used constantly drinking in high doses. But why there are millions of human beings who drink alcohol in social events but did not become addicted, while others are approximately 10% of all drinkers caught an addict? Hundreds of experts have tried to answer that question. It's no easy answer, although we can conclude, that there are several causes that can lead to bad habits such.
1. Feeling depressed
Many people are tempted to drink alcohol when experiencing severe life stress. At first the alcohol was helping drinkers to forget the problems of life, giving a sense of calm and comfort. But what at first was just a helper in the meantime then used continuously, each time feeling depressed, anxious, sad, and so on, until they become addicted.
2. Culture and background
Families and communities in which a person was raised can affect the attitudes of people in the alcoholics. If parents are alcoholics, then the children tend to become alcoholic liquor in his adult life. When drinking becomes a social event in the culture, and if the problem of getting drunk just a joke material, drinkers had no reason at all to avoid and control its use.
3. Personality
Alcoholics are usually the people who are always restless, with emotions that are not mature, and could not cope with frustration. Usually they are hard to accept the authority of others, tend to perfeksionistik, and always felt alienated in the community environment. Self-esteem problems often stand out where they tend to have feelings of inferiority, although often attempted lagaknya covered by demonstrating self-confidence excessive. Although these symptoms appear after they became alcoholic, actually any of these symptoms to be the cause of the tendency to become alcoholic.
4. Physical talent
Is it true, that there are people that his condition was too sensitive to alcohol? It is possible that despite the fact that no physical condition that causes a person to be a drinker. If someone used to drinking, its body becomes accustomed to alcohol stimuli such. To achieve a sense of satisfaction are often dose of liquor should be added, until one day the body becomes so dependent on alcohol so that she can give a pleasant feeling reactions. Then, the drinker becomes physically addicted or chemically, so it's difficult to be changed again.
5. Spiritual state
The Bible gives witness to the many problems associated with drunkenness. Of course we remember what happened with Noah. He is a righteous man, who always walked the path of God (Genesis 6:9). His life was absolutely dedicated to God, that he was obedient to His command to build an ark in the middle of the dry plains despite constantly teased by his friends. The Bible clearly says that Noah diperkenan God (Genesis 6:8), and according to everything that is commanded of God (Genesis 6:22). But the Bible also witnessed, that Noah drank too much wine and then a miserable experience and shameful because he was drunk (Genesis 9:20-24).
One of the main causes of the abuse of drugs and alcohol is a spiritual state that is not healthy, and this spiritual vacuum is the common symptoms found in humans today. Learning from the experience of Noah, it is clear that the believer can fall in the weak and strong drink gin. It seems that is not what happens if Paul calls drunkenness as a contrast to life in the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) where he wrote "Do not get drunk with wine which can lead to dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."
6. Family circumstances
At the time a family member caught by liquor, the whole family became victims. At first, the family tried to ignore or forget the matter. Then they tried to prevent by getting rid of liquor from the household or to reprimand the drinker. Often the family tried to cover up the matter with the hope to stop by itself.
Though it rarely can occur. Drinkers made many promises to not drink anymore, but if he was addicted, the problem becomes so difficult to stop it, the louder the family attitudes, tensions arise in the house, and usually these drinkers crave even more booze. Thus, the goal being a good family is usually just reinforce the desire to continue drinking alcoholic.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Overcome Alcohol Addiction: Tips to Control Alcohol Intake
Consuming too much alcohol is bad for your health and it can damage other areas in your life, too. You need to accept that first before you can go on controlling your drinking problems.
Any tips to control alcohol intake will not work if you do not have enough motivation to follow your goals through. To get you more motivated, know that once you are not under the power of alcohol anymore, your life will considerably improve. Your relationships will be a lot better. Your body will not go against you. All in all, you will become a better person inside and out.
Here then are some tips to control alcohol drinking that may benefit you. First, you require discipline. Then you have to understand your limits. Combine the two and you are on the right path! Discipline yourself to stick to your limits. Alcohol is alright, the body even needs it. It becomes a problem when you excessively drink it. So make sure not to drink more than you can handle. Getting drunk may be right while you are in the process of doing it but the effects are harmful and wide- ranging. It may help if you keep in mind that you’ll have a hangover the next day!
There are many ways that can help you avoid excessive drinking. One, before you go out make sure to bring money only for the limited amount of alcohol you can consume. If your budget ran out that means you have reached the limit. Some of the greatest tips to control alcohol intake include eating a full meal and drinking lots of water before consuming alcohol. When drinking, do not eat thirst- inducing foods such as chips or peanuts. Drink slowly, sip it. Be with someone when you drink. Do not drink mixtures which you are unaware of the exact amount of alcohol in it.
Any tips to control alcohol consumption would tell you to take care of your body. If you feel you are going to be sick or if you are too tired, avoid alcohol entirely. Sparkling wines and carbonated mixers should be avoided because alcohol is absorbed by your body faster if you drink them. Put a lot of ice in your glass of liquor. If you are taking any medications, avoid danger of complications by avoiding alcohol. Even if you already have a favourite drink, you should try out beverages that are not alcoholic. There are now non-alcoholic beers available.
Do not smoke while you are consuming alcohol. It may be that you drink because you want to feel relaxed. If you smoke, the relaxation brought on by alcohol will be slow, and so you get to drink excessively. It is against the law to not drive when you had a drink. There is a very acceptable reason for that so obey! If you have already tried these tips to control alcohol intake and even some other but still cannot get over your drinking problems, then you need serious help. Join reformative groups, or ask the services of a counsellor, or consult a physician.
Any tips to control alcohol intake will not work if you do not have enough motivation to follow your goals through. To get you more motivated, know that once you are not under the power of alcohol anymore, your life will considerably improve. Your relationships will be a lot better. Your body will not go against you. All in all, you will become a better person inside and out.
Here then are some tips to control alcohol drinking that may benefit you. First, you require discipline. Then you have to understand your limits. Combine the two and you are on the right path! Discipline yourself to stick to your limits. Alcohol is alright, the body even needs it. It becomes a problem when you excessively drink it. So make sure not to drink more than you can handle. Getting drunk may be right while you are in the process of doing it but the effects are harmful and wide- ranging. It may help if you keep in mind that you’ll have a hangover the next day!
There are many ways that can help you avoid excessive drinking. One, before you go out make sure to bring money only for the limited amount of alcohol you can consume. If your budget ran out that means you have reached the limit. Some of the greatest tips to control alcohol intake include eating a full meal and drinking lots of water before consuming alcohol. When drinking, do not eat thirst- inducing foods such as chips or peanuts. Drink slowly, sip it. Be with someone when you drink. Do not drink mixtures which you are unaware of the exact amount of alcohol in it.
Any tips to control alcohol consumption would tell you to take care of your body. If you feel you are going to be sick or if you are too tired, avoid alcohol entirely. Sparkling wines and carbonated mixers should be avoided because alcohol is absorbed by your body faster if you drink them. Put a lot of ice in your glass of liquor. If you are taking any medications, avoid danger of complications by avoiding alcohol. Even if you already have a favourite drink, you should try out beverages that are not alcoholic. There are now non-alcoholic beers available.
Do not smoke while you are consuming alcohol. It may be that you drink because you want to feel relaxed. If you smoke, the relaxation brought on by alcohol will be slow, and so you get to drink excessively. It is against the law to not drive when you had a drink. There is a very acceptable reason for that so obey! If you have already tried these tips to control alcohol intake and even some other but still cannot get over your drinking problems, then you need serious help. Join reformative groups, or ask the services of a counsellor, or consult a physician.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Migraine pill to Overcome Alcohol Addiction
The pills are typically used to address migraine attacks was also effective for reducing drinking habits. The drug, topamax, even working in a different way compared with other drugs that are registered to overcome alcohol addiction.
In a study of the results reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the researchers monitored 371 heavy alcoholic for 14 weeks. The alcoholic is divided into two groups, one which is taking topamax, the rest a placebo pill (mock). Although not prohibited, but they are encouraged to stop drinking alcohol.
At the start of this study, the alcoholic is able to average spent 11 standard drinks a day, or the equivalent of 26 cans of beer or two bottles of wine (wine). At the end of the study, 15 percent (27 people) who take topamax volunteers managed to stop his bad habits for seven weeks or more. Whereas the placebo pill only six people (three percent) who stopped drinking it.
Unfortunately this study did not take place in the long run, so it is unknown whether the alcoholic is still clean from booze even though it did not take topamax anymore.
In his report, stated that the way these drugs work is by inhibiting the release of dopamine, a hormone in the brain that gives good feelings that engender addiction. So when an alcoholic drink, they no longer feel comfortable.
Side effects from the use of topamax reported include difficulty concentrating, incidence of itching sensation, drowsiness, and dizziness. Although studies have shown positive results, but until now the FDA (BPOM kind in America) do not allow the promotion of this drug as a drug to stop alcohol abuse
In a study of the results reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the researchers monitored 371 heavy alcoholic for 14 weeks. The alcoholic is divided into two groups, one which is taking topamax, the rest a placebo pill (mock). Although not prohibited, but they are encouraged to stop drinking alcohol.
At the start of this study, the alcoholic is able to average spent 11 standard drinks a day, or the equivalent of 26 cans of beer or two bottles of wine (wine). At the end of the study, 15 percent (27 people) who take topamax volunteers managed to stop his bad habits for seven weeks or more. Whereas the placebo pill only six people (three percent) who stopped drinking it.
Unfortunately this study did not take place in the long run, so it is unknown whether the alcoholic is still clean from booze even though it did not take topamax anymore.
In his report, stated that the way these drugs work is by inhibiting the release of dopamine, a hormone in the brain that gives good feelings that engender addiction. So when an alcoholic drink, they no longer feel comfortable.
Side effects from the use of topamax reported include difficulty concentrating, incidence of itching sensation, drowsiness, and dizziness. Although studies have shown positive results, but until now the FDA (BPOM kind in America) do not allow the promotion of this drug as a drug to stop alcohol abuse
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Injections Pain Alcohol Addiction

This is the solution for you who do not diligently take medication regularly for overcoming alcoholism. You just come to the doctor once a month to get naltrexone injection. Over time, drinking habits would be eroded.
The effectiveness of the way it has been researched by Dr Helen Pettinati and colleagues from the Institute of United States Medical Journal.
In his research, Helen involving 627 patients with alcoholism. After injection of naltrexone given once a month in the long run, they could eliminate the drinking habit. This method is more effective than using pills that must be taken every day.
Naltrexone is a substance that can reduce the desire to drink alcohol. These drugs can block the brain feel good while drinking alcohol. Actually naltrexone was used in tablet form. Only, it was less successful because people sometimes forget or lazy tablets every day.
Naltrexone injection will be more effective if combined with counseling. However, the addicts must be given the motivation to avoid alcohol. "People with a strong motivation easier than eliminating habits that do not have the motivation," said Helen.
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