Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Migraine pill to Overcome Alcohol Addiction

The pills are typically used to address migraine attacks was also effective for reducing drinking habits. The drug, topamax, even working in a different way compared with other drugs that are registered to overcome alcohol addiction.

In a study of the results reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the researchers monitored 371 heavy alcoholic for 14 weeks. The alcoholic is divided into two groups, one which is taking topamax, the rest a placebo pill (mock). Although not prohibited, but they are encouraged to stop drinking alcohol.

At the start of this study, the alcoholic is able to average spent 11 standard drinks a day, or the equivalent of 26 cans of beer or two bottles of wine (wine). At the end of the study, 15 percent (27 people) who take topamax volunteers managed to stop his bad habits for seven weeks or more. Whereas the placebo pill only six people (three percent) who stopped drinking it.

Unfortunately this study did not take place in the long run, so it is unknown whether the alcoholic is still clean from booze even though it did not take topamax anymore.

In his report, stated that the way these drugs work is by inhibiting the release of dopamine, a hormone in the brain that gives good feelings that engender addiction. So when an alcoholic drink, they no longer feel comfortable.

Side effects from the use of topamax reported include difficulty concentrating, incidence of itching sensation, drowsiness, and dizziness. Although studies have shown positive results, but until now the FDA (BPOM kind in America) do not allow the promotion of this drug as a drug to stop alcohol abuse


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