Tuesday, 10 November 2009

For Fetal Alcohol Danger

The gestation period is a vulnerable period. It has become common warning pregnant women are forbidden to drink alcohol.

The ban on alcohol is set in stone, no tolerance limits. Because, if the candidate desperate mother, the fetus in the womb who will bear the danger.

Alcohol danger to the fetus can result in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which can cause miscarriage, premature delivery, infant birth complications, low birth weigh babies, babies born with small heads (mikrosefali), mental retardation, disorders of the heart and other organs, physical disturbance and behaviors that will affect the growth of children throughout his life.

In addition to consuming alcohol is forbidden in the form of liquor or wine, the prospective mother should also be wary of alcohol content in drugs. Generally, medications containing alcohol content of about 5%. If taken for several consecutive days, fear alcohol will accumulate in the body. To be safe, try to consult with your doctor to find out what drugs safe to eat during pregnancy.


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